WHAT: Vacation Bible School for Kindergarten through 6th grade!
WHERE: Riverside Heights Baptist Church, 495 Little Road, Tallassee, Alabama 36078
WHEN: June 24-28, 2024
TIMES: 8:30am-11:30am
OTHER: Church van can pick up and drop off if needed. See registration form in the link below.
REGISTER: Please register your child for VBS by going to the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScjC8XO_-eqvzI89F-zsgDh6lWL1mnXsTEdlbKPUeW8rhxIZQ/viewform?usp=send_form
QUESTIONS: Call the church office at 334-283-2260
RHBC Times of Services & Weekly Activities
Sunday Morning
Sunday School-10:00AM in the sanctuary
Sunday Evening
Discipleship Training-6:00PM. We are currently going through “The Road Trip to Truth-Season 1” study through “Right Now Media.”
Wednesday Evening

AWANA Program for Children (ages 3 years until 6th grade)-6:15PM **Sign up ANYTIME for AWANA! Click here for our Awana Page!
**Nursery is provided for Sunday AM Services, and then for all other services on an “As Needed” basis
About RHBC
Riverside Heights Baptist Church (RHBC) is a Southern Baptist Church located in Tallassee, Alabama. We are only minutes away from Lake Martin, on the Tallapoosa River. We are members of the Elmore Baptist Association, in Elmore county. Together with other churches we are working to make our community a loving, safe and pleasant place to live and worship in.
Knowing Jesus Christ, Loving Jesus Christ, and Serving Jesus Christ is why RHBC exists. We also desire to glorify God by sharing His gospel (good news of Jesus!) with those who don’t know Him! Additionally, connecting with others is very important in life. When life gets difficult, hard, and confusing, it does not help us to go at life alone. We need God, and we also need others. God gave us the local Body of Christ to be a Light and a Witness to the world that He has sent His Son to save lost sinners, of which we all are. Also, God has given us His church, specifically, the local church, by which believers may grow in grace and may connect with Him and with each other.
We are glad to you have stopped by to see us here at our home on the Web and we hope that you find information here that will draw you to Jesus Christ. If you are looking to be a part of a church family-RHBC is a Place to Belong! We would love to have you visit with us real soon.
What To Expect at Riverside Heights
- Casual Dress: It does not matter your dress, just dress comfortably.
- Expository Preaching/Teaching: Bro. Billy teaches, typically, from a book of the Bible most services. From time to time we will have a topical series, but the main thrust of the preaching at RHBC is expository through books of the Bible. We preach through books, primarily, because we believe that every word in every book is inspired by God. We want to be sure to preach the “full counsel” of God, balancing both New Testament books with Old Testament books, so that every person may grow up and be presented mature in Christ.
- Blended Worship: We sing some praise hymns and some of the old hymns. All blended together for the sole purpose of Glorifying God.
- Have Kids?: We have wonderful, patient, caring people working with our children. Your children will be cared for, nurtured, and taught the Bible here at RHBC.